
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bitter Sweet Day

Well it is a Sunday after all, so yah I went to church.
Mom decides not to go, why?
No idea. So OK, fine.
But obviously somethings up.
So I was all emo when I got to chruch dress like some moron, and I decide why not ask a group of my pals to go have lunch with me. Which we did.
We had lunch at The Chicken Rice Shop (never going back there AGAIN!) with;
Alyssa, Amanda, Angeline, Charis, Ee-Yen, Gideon and Kumar.
Then we watched Eagle Eye;

with Alyssa, Amanda, Angeline, Charis and Kumar.
The Show was insanely AWESOME! Serious action pack!
Not gonna blog about the movie cause you HAVE-TO-WATCH-IT-YOURSELF!

 But here's why the title of the post is Bitter Sweet Day, cause this is just a sumary of what happened today and Saturday.
The daimond filer of our suddenly went nuts on us.
It's SPRAYING water, so how on earth are we suppose to wash plates when it's spraying water at all directions!
And since it's still under warranty, my sis suggest to my mom to call the shop and ask them to fix it. Her answer, "What for! I don't want to call! No need!" ...whatever.
Then when I go to church I see him happy, happy, happy. That's how he is when his out total opposite when his home. Way ago man! You fool everyone!
Feeling the stress; sis is unhappy! Loosing it and is pissed off.
I'm unhappy having to put up with the nagging from the moment I wake up until before I sleep at night.
The drawing I did for the youth camp T, I was actually really happy about it. Then when I worked on drawing the font in front of him one morning he says "You're not going to get paid for drawing. So why do you keep on drawing." Shouldn't you be supportive that I'm doing something that makes me happy? Guess not.
I stopped drawing the moment he said that. It happened on Saturday before I left home.
Every single time I wash my hand and he asks me if I have and when I say yes, he will say "Yah.." in a total sarcastic, are you trying to fool me way and goes, "I bet you only wet your hands!"
And when I get damn pissed off and say it in a pretty nuetral way "Why everytime I answer you, you must always find ways to counter back?"
And he'll stand there and give me the "How dare you talk to me like this." look.
And then the T shirt design, I finally finish the pattern and I'm really satisfied with it. And he ruined it all by saying this while we were watching Disney Stars Games 2008;
"See the T their wearing the design is SO simple only. Haven't you heard of simplicity? Where got people wear the shirt the design like your's so many things on it."
I felt crush at that point. Yes their T design is simple.
What do you mean "Where got people wear the shirt the design like your's so many things on it."
Tell you what. You know those shops like..hmm..let's see Tropicana, QuirkSilver, Roxy and every damn right store has T's with LOTS of crazy designs on it!
I don't even want to start with the money issues, weight issues, looks issue, dressing, nails!
And the amount of shit load you ask me to do cause you're too damn lazy to them yourself.
And how everytime you guys ask me something and when I answer her you guys will always cut me off.
And how when I open up with my problems you guys will say things that hurt me even more.
And how you guys always never consider how I feel!
No one will ever understand why I'm so unhappy cause I keep it all in!
Only my sis knows cause she goes through it too!
The only keeping me from not hating you more than I already do, is the fact that we're bonded by blood.



Anonymous said...

I want to fade away and disappear forever